Note: These scripts were originally written around the year 2000, and active maintenance has long since stopped.
They all likely require and/or to work properly.
AtmosphericMan download docs
Manage multiple atmospherics at once.
Bake download docs
"Bakes out" procedural animation into explicit keyframes.
BatchKeyReduce download docs
Quickly reduce keys on multiple objects at once.
Bounder download docs
Create bounding volumes for objects.
DeMultiplyAlpha download docs
DeMultiplies the color channels of an image by the alpha channel.
DisplayVelocity download docs
Display Velocity Info For A Particle System.
DrawSpline download docs
Draw splines on objects.
FrameMan download docs
Compiles image sequences into a single MOV or AVI.
FunctionExplorer download docs
Allows you to plot math functions over a graph.
Hunter download docs
Search a scene for specified objects or modifiers, and do something to them when found.
KeyMonkey download docs
Various tools for working with batches of objects/keys. Includes moving, deleting, and reducing keys.
MaterialMan download docs
Manage various material properties.
MeshMan download docs
Tools for dealing with various mesh properties, such as UV and mesh cleanup and face level UV copy/paste.
MorpherMan download docs
Miscellaneous tools for dealing with Morpher modifiers.
ParticleTracker download docs
Takes a group of objects and causes them to follow (track) particles in a particle system.
pNURBS download docs
Speeds up the workflow when working with referenced, meshsmoothed objects
PropMan download docs
Generalized property editor for setting and linking properties of multiple objects at once.
ReallyAdvancedQuadOptions download docs
Basis for the built-in quad options config window.
Rename download docs
Rename groups of objects at once.
Replacer download docs
Replace groups of objects with other groups, with animation support.
SelectionMan download docs
Tools for making, saving, and loading selections, both at the object or sub-object level.
SequenceChecker download docs
Checks a sequence for missing frames.
UnwrapMesh download docs
Physically unwraps a mesh using its mapping coordinates.
WireColorMan download docs
Change wireframe colors of groups of objects.
XRefMan download docs
Tools for working with XRefs.
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